01-Report on Steward, May 2013, final.pdf
02-Top 50 Private Equity Firms, 2012.pdf
03-Steward Hospitals.pdf
04-2010 Relative Hospital Prices.pdf
05-Acute Care Hospital Map, MA, Steward market.pdf
05-Utilization, Steward Hospitals, 2008-2011.pdf
06-FY 2011 MA Hospitals Results by System, 11-2012.pdf
07a-Operating Margin.pdf
07b-Current Ratio.pdf
07c-Average Payment Period.pdf
07d-Cash Flow to Total Debt.pdf
07e-Net Assets.pdf
07f-Net Patient Service Revenue.pdf
08-Staffing Data, Saint Elizabeth's sample.pdf
09-Value Based and Readmission Penalties, 12-20-2012, MA.pdf
10-VBP and Readmission Bonus and Penalties, Steward Hospitals.pdf
11-State Records of CMS Violations, 3-2013.pdf
A0-Steward Appendices Cover Sheet.pdf
A1-Steward Hospitals With Financials, 2008-2012.pdf
A2-Steward Hospitals, Hospital Compare, Complete.pdf
A3-Staffing Data, Patient Care Link, Steward Hospitals, 2006 - 2012.pdf
A4-Steward Organization Chart.pdf
A5-Steward, FY 2011 and 2012, projected.pdf
A6-Patient Survey Results, Steward Hospitals.pdf
2-Private Equity
Private Equity, Generally
01-Preqin Private Equity Benchmarks, Venture Benchmark Report, 2011.pdf
02-Preqin Private Equity Benchmarks, Preliminary Benchmark Report, 2011.pdf
03-Preqin Private Equity Benchmarks, Buyout Benchmark Report, 2011.pdf
04-Preqin Private Equity Benchmarks, All Private Equity Benchmark Report, 2011.pdf
05-Preqin Private Equity Co-Investor Report, 2012.pdf
06-Copy of Private Equity Quarterly Index Data Pack, 2012.xlsx
07-Private Equity Quarterly Index - PreQin, March 2012.pdf
08-Top 50 Private Equity Firms, Crain's 2012.xls
09-Private Equity Quarterly Index PrEQIn March 2013.pdf
10-2012 Compensation, PEI 3-5-2013.pdf
11-Preqin Global Private Equity Report Sample Pages, 2013.pdf
Cerberus, Background
1-Mortgage backed securities.pdf
2-AR on Cerberus, 7-23-12.pdf
3-Cerberus, Table of Organization.pdf
4-Cerberus Health Care Play, CommonWealth Magazine.pdf
5-Cerberus, Open Secrets.pdf
Private Equity, Health Field
2-Private Equity Sees Value in Healthcare, Beckers.pdf
3-Bain, Global Healthcare Private Equity 2012.pdf
4-Becker, S, McGuire Woods, on Private Equity, 2011.pdf
5-Nurse Staffing Deficiencies in For-Profit Nursing Homes, HSR, February 2012.pdf
6-HCA's 2006 Leveraged Buyout.pdf
Benjamin Edmands, Managing Director of CCMP Captial Advisors - YouTube.mp4
Steward in Rhode Island
1-Steward Application, Landmark, 1-26-12.pdf
2-Report and AFS on Steward, 4-23-12.pdf
3-Report of Health Services Council, on Steward, 5-8-12.pdf
4-Rhode Island Decision, Steward, 5-22-12.pdf
5-AG Landmark Decision, 5-25-12.pdf
6-Steward dropping Landmark, Modern Healthcare, 9-26-12.pdf
7-Landmark and Steward News Coverage, 2012.pdf
Application, Rhode Island.zip
3-HCA, Blackstone; Vanguard
01-HCA, Kuttner, 8-1-1996.pdf
02-HCA, Kuttner, 8-8-1996, part two.pdf
03-HCA, 1997-1998 New York Times.doc
04-HCA, Corporate Integrity Agreement, 12-14-00.pdf
05-Strategic Analysis of the Hospital Industry and HCA.pdf
06-HCA 10(k), 2006.pdf
07-Rick Scott, Columbia- HCA Scandal.pdf
08-A Windfall, WSJ,3-4-11.pdf
09-Giant Hospital Chain Blazing Profit Trail, NYT, 8-14-12.pdf
10-HCA's 2006 Leveraged Buyout Sept-Oct 2012.pdf
01-Vanguard CIA, 10-7-2011.pdf
02-Vanguard 2011 Annual Report.pdf
03-Investor Presentation - January 2012.pdf
04-Vanguard Health Systems Inc, 10Q 9-30-2011.pdf
05-Vanguard Health Systems Background.pdf
06-Waterbury and Bristol, 11-20-12.pdf
07-Vanguard Health Systems Investor Presentation - December 2012-2.pdf
08-Vanguard Analyst Meeting Presentation, June 2012.pdf
09-Vanguard Health Systems 10K, Aug. 2012.pdf
10-Vanguard Health Systems 10Q, 11-1-12.pdf
11-Vanguard Health Systems Investor Presentation - December 2012[1].pdf
12-Vanguard Annual Report 2012.pdf
4-Steward, Hospitals, Cerberus
Caritas Christi
AG on Caritas Christi, 10-6-2010.pdf
Carney Hospital
Carney Hospital Names New President, The Boston Globe, 4-24-12.docx
Carney Hospital, 9-30-12 Report.pdf
Good Samaritan
GoodSamaritan, 9-30-12 Report.pdf
Holy Family
Holy Family, 9-30-12 Report.pdf
Merrimack Valley
Merrimack Valley, 9-30-12 Report.pdf
Morton Hospital
1-Exhibit G, Navigant Presentation, Steward Acquisition, 3-7-2011.pdf
2-Exhibit A, Summary and Asset Purchase Agreement, Steward and Morton, 3-29-2011.pdf
3-Asset Purchase Agreement, Steward and Morton, Amendment, 9-6-2011.pdf
4-Attorney General Statement on Morton Transaction, 9-7, 2011.pdf
5-Morton Hospital, 9-30-12 Report.pdf
Nashoba Valley
Nashoba Valley, 9-30-12 Report.pdf
New England Sinai
Mass Approval of Transfer of Ownership, New England Sinai Hospital.pdf
New England Sinai Hospital, Steward.pdf
Norwood Hospital
Norwood Hospital, 9-30-12 Report.pdf
Quincy Medical Center
Quincy Medical Center, 9-30-12 Report.pdf
Quincy, Hospital Compare, ED Stats.pdf
St. Anne's Hospital
St. Anne's Hospital, 9-30-12 Report.pdf
St. Elizabeth Hospital
St. Elizabeth Hospital, 9-30-12 Report.pdf
Steward Hospitals, Financials
CHIA Filings
1-FY 2011 MA Hospitals by System, 11-2012.pdf
2-CHIA Filings, Cover and Complete Set.pdf
Steward Hospitals, Hospital Compare Project
2-VBP and Readmission Bonus and Penalties, Steward Hospitals.pdf
2-VBP and Readmission Bonus and Penalties, Steward Hospitals.xlsx
3-VBP, Steward and all Hospitals, 3429 Hospitals.xlsx
4-Steward Hospitals, Hospital Compare.xlsx
5-Value Based and Readmission Penalties, 12-20-2012, MA.xlsx
Steward Hospitals, Patient Care Link, 2012-2006
01-Carney Patient Care Link, 2012-2006.pdf
02-Good Samaritan, Patient Care Link, 2012-2006.pdf
03-Holy Family, Patient Care Link, 2012-2006.pdf
04-Merrimack Valley, Patient Care Link, 2012-2006.pdf
05-Morton, Patient Care Link, 2012-2006.pdf
06-Nashoba Valley, Paient Care Link, 2012-2006.pdf
07-Norwood, Patient Care Line, 2012-2006.pdf
08-Quincy, Patient Care Link, 2012-2006.pdf
09-Quincy, Patient Care Link, 2012-2006, summary.pdf
10-St. Anne's, Patient Care Link, 2012-2006.pdf
11-St. Elizabeth, Patient Care Link, 2012-2006.pdf
12-Patient Care Link FAQ and Interpretation Guidance.pdf
13-Patient Care Link Background, Telephone Call, 3-29-13.docx
14-Patient Care Link Background, Telephone Call, 3-29-13.pdf
Steward, Background
AG Report, Monitoring, 1-30-2013.pdf
Blog about Steward, 2012.pdf
Cerberus saw loss in first year with Steward, MH, 1-31-2013.docx
Consultants Used in Connection with Steward-LMC-RHRI Acquisition.pdf
De La Torre Profile, CNN Money, 8-2-12.pdf
Mass Atty General Report 2010 Exhibit B, Steward Hospitals, March 2010.pdf
Notes_on_Farber's_Tenet_Tenure, Roche, Jan. 2013.docx
Report finds Steward in red, Boston Business Journal, 5-7-12.docx
Steward Affiliates with Partners Doc Group, 9-7-12.pdf
Steward Audited Financials 9-30-2011.pdf
Steward Cost Cutting, Boston Globe, 2-3-13.pdf
Steward Management Team.pdf
Steward Profile, Businessweek, 11-27-12.pdf
Steward to cut jobs, The Boston Globe, 11-21-12.docx
Steward, From Website.pdf
Steward, Notes on AFS, 4-23-12.pdf
Steward-Cerberus Commitments in Hospital Acquisitions, 2010-2011.xlsx
Summary Charts, 2011-2012.xlsx
5-Mass. Hospital Utilization, Financial Performance
01-Inpatient Discharge Database, Documentation Manual, FY2000-2004.pdf
02-Inpatient Discharge Database, Documentation Manual, FY2005.pdf
03-Inpatient Discharge Database, Documentation Manual, FY2006.pdf
04-Inpatient Discharge Database, Documentation Manual, FY2007.pdf
05-Inpatient Discharge Database, Documentation Manual, FY2008.pdf
06-Inpatient Discharge Database, Documentation Manual, FY2009.pdf
07-Inpatient Discharge Database, Documentation Manual, FY2010.pdf
08-Mass Health Data Consortium Hospital Inpt. Discharges, 2008.pdf
09-Mass Health Data Consortium Hospital Inpt. Discharges, 2009.pdf
10-Mass Health Data Consortium Hospital Inpt. Discharges, 2010.pdf
11-Mass Health Data Consortium Hospital Inpt. Discharges, 2011.pdf
12-Mass Acute Hospital Financial Performance, 2012, Q1-Q3.pdf
6-Quality, Hospital Inspections.org
1-Nurse Staffing Deficiencies in For-Profit Nursing Homes, HSR, February 2012.pdf
2-Association of Health Care Journalists, violation log MA, 2013.docx
3-Steward Hospitals on Hospital Inspections.org, 3-18-13.pdf
4-State Records of CMS Violations, 3-2013.xlsx